Some Favorite Quotes

Just wanted to share some of my favorite quotes that have really encouraged me about God's grace and loving heart:

Always remember, you are not a burden to God, you are His treasure.  Mick Mooney

Grace is a Person.  Grace is the Spirit of Christ Himself within, loving us and living through us.  Rob Rufus

We don't fight sin; we experience LIFE!  That's what the Christian walk is all about! Sammy Bilyeu  (this may be a paraphrase and not exact words, not sure, but I love this idea..)

It is on a foundation of grace that the power of the Holy Spirit moves, not on human performance and effort.  The kingdom of heaven is an ascending escalator.  Rob Rufus

When He gives the Comforter...His pledge is that we shall live forever with Him. Catherine Marshall

[We have] the inward, invincible power of the Lord Jesus in our heart..In this power, He will live in you and carry out His work in you.  As the indwelling Christ, He is bent on maintaining and manifesting His redemption in you..He will by His power...overcome sin in you.  He will carry out His work.  Andrew Murray

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14