Secure in Christ 2 - We are in Union with the One who is Eternal Life!

Here are more thoughts on our new birth and how it shows us just how secure we are in Christ:

" our life" - and He's the only life we have; the old life we had passed away and was ended at the cross, and we are now alive with His life.  "I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me."  Christ is my very life - His divine Life is flowing through my spiritual veins and sustaining me in this life forever and ever, because His life will never end - He is God, eternal, immortal, ever-living for me!

And His Spirit is in me, making me alive in the same way - this is the law of the Spirit, that we are buoyed up in LIFE and have been delivered out of the realm of sin and it's result, death.  Wow!

It is wonderful to think of the very Life that is inside us, and not just dwelling inside us but in actual and real union with our spirits!  Christ Himself is in union with our spirit - His Spirit and our spirit are one!  One!  "He that is joined to Christ is one spirit with Him."  (Some translations just say "one spirit!")  One - that's pretty close!  That means there is absolutely no separation between us and Him. And there never will be any separation between us and Him, because this union is part of the new (and permanent) birth - it is how we were re-made and newly created.  So I am not just a newly made Sparrow - I am now Sparrow-in-Christ!  That is the way I have been newly made and the way I was re-born, and it is a fact of my new creation.  I was created that way, as Sparrow-in-Christ, and that is permanent and how I will always be, because it is the way I was made and born.  Always in Christ and Christ always in me!  Never separated or apart from Him.  Never separated from His life!  I can never be separated from Him, and He is the One who is Eternal Life.  That means I have eternal life forever and that my life is eternal, for my life, the only life I have now, IS Christ!  My spirit is in indissoluble union with Christ's Spirit, and His Eternal Spirit lives forever - thus, so do I!  Where He goes, He takes me with Him - into eternity!  

Safe in His Life!  We can't ever get out of who we are now, who He has re-made us to be!  The new birth has brought us into a whole new permanent existence - Union with Christ - that is out of this world and already into the next world, the world of eternity!  Yes!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14