We're Always Innocent Chilren Before Him!

I just wanted to share some wonderful thoughts that came up in an email conversation with my beautiful friend Rachel recently as we were talking about how our Father sees us, His children:

"I have certainly had many ups and downs but I guess really, all along I was being carried by another, who is living within me and never have I been outside of Him. I think maybe deep down we all just want to know that we are ok and loved no matter what our circumstances are or how we act in situations. So it's really such a relief to think that has been true for us all along and is true every moment. Even greater is the fact that our actions, thoughts, feelings etc. do not determine who we are, and God only sees us as precious children, with pure thoughts, feelings, actions etc. Because if those things were to define us we would be measuring ourselves on a yard stick, unable to fully feel unconditionally loved and ultimately putting ourselves back under a law, which is fine, but rather obsolete since Jesus removed all of that!

"You know I wonder sometimes whether at our core we wish to just be children again. Not in the sense that we wouldn't get to experience the freedoms of being an adult, but children are always loved and doted on for simply being. I know that sometimes children do not get to experience that if their home life is not so good, but children just want to feel loved and free and happy at the core. Maybe God knows that is true about each of us and wishes to love us like that, allowing us to just play, be free, savor the moment and be happy. And maybe even our actions and thoughts, though not always in line with what we hope to be true, aren't even a concern to Him. It is as if He is a parent that watches his young child steal a cookie from the cookie jar- the parent knows it is all out of innocence and could never feel that his child has actually done anything wrong! And in this case, unlike the parent who catches his or her child stealing a cookie-we are never reprimanded or made to feel as if our actions aren't accepted, for every bit of us is fully accepted!"
Wow, isn't it wonderful to know that we are truly innocent before Him, even in the midst of our 'hands in the cookie jar' moments, that our hearts are truly innocent and pure deep down, that there is NO shame, blame, guilting, condemning or punishment coming to us from our Daddy at all, ever!  Our performance is never a measure of our worth - His Love is the measure of our worth, and that Love is infinite, eternal, unconditional!  Wow!  That means our worth, our value, is infinite, eternal, unconditional!Just as our own children are worth the world to us and we'd do anything, truly anything, for them, so we are priceless and beyond valuable to Him, worth the whole cosmos times infinity!  For the magniitude of our dignity and honor before Him is beyond infinite, beyond price, beyond understanding or imagining!  You are His treasure, His whole world!  You mean everything to Him!  
And He always sees and knows and relates to you just as you are - innocent, pure and sweet like a little tiny child!  Pure, untainted, unmarred, with only innocent thoughts and motives and intentions.  He sees the deepest part of Himself and only sees His own image there!  We are made in the image of Love, Pure Love, vast and open and free, so how could we ever be anything else BUT that pure love?  We couldn't!  The source and wellspring of our very life is God, is a Pure Source, like sweet crystal clear water, a fountain of Perfect Love springing up from within giving us life, BEING our Life..and if the Source (God) is pure, the water springing from it (humanity) is pure! 

As my dear sister Rachel has said so well, we only want to be loved, don't we?  That is our one pure innocent motive behind it all, just a longing to know we are okay and loved no matter what.  When we find out we are truly loved without condition, without measure, without end, everything inside starts to breathe easy and rest.  When we find out we really are His children, being held in Love by our Papa at all times - that we are truly "being carried by another" who is eternally for us, in us, as us - we naturally settle down and fall asleep in His arms!

There is Someone in us, in our depths, Someone who is for us, Someone who is carrying us, Someone who is loving us, and we will never be anything other than His beloved, innocent children, held fast in His arms!  We are ONE with this wonderful Someone, this wonderful Father, made of His DNA, breathing His Spirit as our breath, having His very nature of Love, feeling His heartbeat sound out His presence in us at every moment..We are ONE, never TWO!  We are ONE, together, a unity, ONE Spirit, and we can never be separated or apart!  We are ONE, we are HOME, we are PURE, we are LOVED!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14