Life in the Past Year..Full of Ups and Downs

I know I haven't been actively posting on this blog for a while.

So many things have happened in my life, with our oldest daughter starting college, my husband switching to a new job, watching my mother deteriorate from dementia so that she no longer recognizes me, and the biggest upheaval of the past year - the passing into heaven of my beloved father, the best daddy in the world and one of the most special people one could ever meet.

So life has been surging on in its ups and downs this past year, and I just haven't been at a place of writing much.

But I want to extend my love and greetings to all and wish all a happy and joyous day in Him.  He certainly carries us through the ups and downs of life, doesn't He?  Without Him, I couldn't make it.  But thankfully, He is here and He is so wonderful.  Even when things are dark and we don't feel Him, He's still there.  I'm glad of that, especially since the world felt so dark and lonely and cold after I lost my dad.  God was there in the coldness.  I couldn't feel Him at all, but He was there and He got me through.

I see now that He is with us just as strongly in the dark and cold and lonely times as He is in the 'super-spiritual, receiving great revelations, feeling spiritual joy and strength' times.  It doesn't matter what our perception is or what our feelings are; He's still there holding us.  He's the constant. He never changes.  He never lets go.  He never has and He never will.

So I greet everyone and send out blessings and wish you all the best and hope your days are good and full of joy and peace.  Isn't it a relief that grace is true, that unconditional love is true, that God is truly good?  I'm so thankful that all is well deep down, no matter what's happening on the surface of life.  And I'm so thankful this life story is going to end well.  That gives me a lot of peace.  Everything is going to be okay, for He's involved in the writing of our story and He is the God of happy endings!

Thoughts of Grace After All These Years

It's been years since I first heard about God's grace, acceptance and unconditional love.

Yet I find that reading about that grace and love still makes me cry.

I guess it shows how powerful this message is, how true it is, and how much my heart needs it.

Here are some grace thoughts that have been going through my heart and mind and touching me in deep ways lately:

God made us, not so we could give Him glory, but so He could give us love.

Even when everything is all wrong, deep down everything is all right.

Even if I'm all wrong, I'm all right to God.

God always loved us and always shall love us.

We were always His adorable little innocent ones.

God can't see any sin in us!  We're perfect darlings to Him.

My true nature, that I've always had, is good and loving.  I take after my Dad, Mr. Love Himself!

He loved us so much He became a human, so He could share every part of our life with us!

I'm part of God, in God, held by God, and therefore always safe.

The universe is a good place because a good God is at its heart.  He made it, He sustains it, and He will bring it to perfect fulfillment.

At the heart of it all, everything is ok and always will be okay.

God always wears a smile, always lends a helping hand, always gives an encouraging word.

God wanted to show us He was non-threatening, so He came as a tiny baby to show us we have nothing to fear from Him.

God is vulnerable and sweet, gentle and friendly.

God has no wrath.  He is perfect peace, the opposite of wrath.

God does not punish.  God heals and restores.

God does not destroy.  God is the author of life, not death!

God never demanded our perfection.  God has no demands at all of me.  God simply accepts and embraces me as I am. 

I am totally and fully accepted.  I am accepted with all my shadows.  I am accepted without any possibility of being rejected.  I am accepted now and forevermore.

He is fine with me as I am! I'm perfect to God.

God is delighted with His child - me!  He sings over me and loves to just look at me.  I'm His pride and joy!

I am a beautiful and awesome person.  God is pleased with me right now, as I am in this moment.

God says, "What sin?  I see no sin in you.  You are beautiful and there is no flaw in you."

At the heart of it all is a grace that embraces us, carries us and isn't going to let us go.

There is a lightness to God's love and grace.  He makes our inner heart light.  It's the lightness and joy of heaven and we'll enjoy it forever!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14