Christ in Every Moment

"Christ is there inhabiting every moment.. He's leading you beside still waters..making you lie down in green pastures..He's restoring your soul. And He doesn't do anything halfway."

Therese Reece

"My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

There is a place of absolute stillness and peace inside us, and it's in Christ. We can stop at any moment and look to Him within. We look to Him and our faces are radiant. We look to Him and we are living in glory while still walking on earth. Our weary souls are refreshed in Him, our troubled hearts are soothed in Him, for everything is fresh and new in His eternal reality, like a fresh spring morning. He tells us the words we need to hear. He renews us with His loving presence. He brings us to perfect peace. He gives rest to our soul. And He will never let us down.

A Thought: In every moment, He is everything I need Him to be.


"There is something inside of you greater than you."

Therese Reece

"The Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world."

1 John 4:4 (MSG)

There is Someone inside us stronger than we could ever be, stronger than our problems could ever be. That Someone is perfect peace that goes beyond our comprehension. That Someone is joy that can't be put into words it is so full of glory! That Someone is the Light that overcomes all darkness, the Life that overcomes all death, the Love that overcomes all fear. You do not have to figure everything out. You do not have to be strong. You do not have to go through anything on your own. He is here inside you saying, "Just look at Me, not at the problem." He will handle it. He will carry you through. He is here in you. He is holding you. He is sustaining you with peace and joy. You are safe in His arms!

A Thought: He is greater than anything I face today.

The Ultimate Reference: Christ and His Cross

The ultimate revelation of God is in Jesus Christ. And the ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ is the cross.

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

1 Corinthians 2:2 (ESV)

There are so many confusing passages in the Bible. There are verses that make God seem harsh and wrathful. There are accounts of events that seem vindictive and unkind. There are even sections that can cause people to be afraid God will judge, punish or reject them. But the truest understanding of God, the most perfect revelation of Him, is Christ. And the epitome and ultimate revelation of Jesus is at the cross. At the cross, when people killed God's own Son, that Son cried out for His killers to be forgiven. That is what Jesus is about, that is what God is about: self-giving, other-centered, forgiving, vulnerable, unconditional love. It's a love that keeps no record of wrongs, a love that only pours out goodness and friendship, a love that extends kindness to the unkind, a love that embraces all with open arms, having peace and goodwill toward every single person, no matter what! When we come across confusing passages in the Bible, we can remember the highest truth and reference point is the love of Jesus displayed on the cross. Other parts of scripture are incomplete pictures; Jesus' amazing love at the cross is the complete picture! Every other portion of scripture yields to that revelation!

A Thought: I will interpret the Bible through the love I see in Jesus at the cross.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14