He's Given Us All the Love There Is To Give

The news of God's unconditional love comes like sunrise over a peaceful stream, gleaming and beautiful.  It dawns on our hearts like a lovely new day dawns over the open water.  And it frees us to be ourselves, to rest from all our efforts to "make" God love us. Why?  Because we already have the love we are trying to get!  We already have all the love God has to give us!

"The good news says that God loves us no matter what - not because we have deserved that love by making ourselves pleasing to God, but just because God loves us.  As we begin to believe that, we find ourselves free, for once in our lives, to see ourselves for exactly who and what we are.  We don't need to be more beautiful, richer, stronger, wiser, more powerful, more in control, better, more perfect - not, at least, in God's eyes.  None of these attainments will make God love you more.  God cannot love you more.  God has already given you all the love there is to give."
                                                     L. W. Countryman
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14