It's a Wonderful Life - A Quote from Jamie Weeks

Jamie Weeks of Better Than We Know Blog talks about grace in a wonderfully clear way.  I love the way she explains the law of life in Christ.  It's truly a wonderful Life that keeps and holds on to us, rather than us having to worry about holding on to it! 

"We will never be good enough to deserve life.  And, in Christ, we can never be bad enough to lose it...Men are no longer held to a moral code of law.  Men are born into a law of life in Christ!  The difference?  This law keeps us; it doesn't require that we keep it.  That's why Jesus could say, "It is finished."  Because there is nothing we do that improves the deal.  We just accept it and live in it."

                                                                   Jamie Weeks
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14