"'Christ in me' means Christ bearing me along from within, Christ the motive-power that carries me on, Christ giving my whole life a wonderful poise and lift, and turning every burden into wings. All this is in it when the apostle speaks of 'Christ in you, the hope of glory' (Col. 1:27). Compared with this, the religion which bases everything on example is pitifully rudimentary. This, and this alone, is true Christian religion. Call it mysticism or not - the name matters little; the thing, the experience, matters everything. To be 'in Christ,' to have Christ within, to realize your creed not as something you have to bear but as something by which you are borne, this is Christianity. It is more: it is release and liberty, life with an endless song at its heart. It means feeling within you, as long as life here lasts, the carrying power of Love Almighty; and underneath you, when you come to die, the touch or everlasting arms."
James Stewart
Wow - We don't have a religion we have to carry around - we have a Christ that carries us!