Isn't it wonderful how God has revealed His Son IN us! Paul talked about that, how God revealed His Son in him..what a wonderful and blessed mystery the good news is, the good news of great joy to all people, the good news of God with us, of Christ in us! What a hope (expectation) of glory that is, glory that breaks forth like dawn right now and keeps on growing brighter and brighter to an eternal daylight that shines for ever and ever, in us! That wholeness that is God has always been within us, and it's glowing forth, lighting the whole universe as it goes forth! That beautiful joy and peace and love that is God, His very Spirit of grace and love, has always been in us as our very spirit, and He's pouring forth in rivers of living water from within us, watering the whole parched world as He goes! What a beautiful thing it is to find God in us and have the ultimate peace and joy that is HIM dwelling right inside us at all times, carrying us along, being our ultimate reality, a Wholeness within us all, upholding all, infusing all!
I was reading a devotional this morning by Richard Rohr, and he wrote about about the reality of "a fundamental wholeness at the heart of everything."
Wonderfully, I
dreamed about this last night! In my dream I was going over this idea, that there is wholeness and joy and peace (GOD!) at the heart of all things. In my dream I was pondering how we can simply be honest about how
we are feeling and thinking, don't have to 'do' anything or 'become'
anything but can simply BE, and that God shows us the joy at the heart
of all things, for He is the center, and we are living life from the
Center even as our minds are unaware of it for a time. We come to the bottom of our selves by simply being ourselves in
stillness, come to the bottom of our life, of our pain, of our
confusion, of our thoughts and feelings, and we find God there, Life
there, Joy there, Love there, beneath the surface, at the bottom of all
things, for He is our core, and everything is existing upon the
foundation that is Him/Love/Joy! In the quiet at the depth of our souls, God IS! There at the depths where all is still, where all simply IS, there is a Presence, a Loving Presence wrapping us in peace and acceptance, and we are part of that Presence - we find that Presence that is Love Himself, God Himself, God in us, Emmanuel truly in us, as us, as our core!
And seeing this, experiencing this Love in the depths of us, our minds and senses experience Life from
the Center, experience the heart of all things, the wholeness and joy
and peace and love that has always been there and always will be. For
underneath are the everlasting arms - the whole world, all our lives,
existence itself, each of us personally, has always been in His hands,
literally in Him, and actually grows forth from Him and is part of Him,
as branches grow on the vibrant grapevine! We have always been one with
that stillness and part of that stillness. Our minds just weren't
always aware of the fact that we are part of God, thus we are love
beings, we are solidly built on wholeness and made of peace, all is well
with us and all is complete!
shows the ultimate acceptance too, for since we are Love Himself at the
core, part of Love and beings of Love, we have perfect love towards our
confused minds and ALL our confused thoughts, feelings and actions have
always been and always are accepted. We are thus purveyors of and
enjoyers of the deepest acceptance! Our Spirits ARE 'Accepting Love'
and our minds and bodies are always received that Accepting Love!
Finding out we are really part of Love Himself and therefore complete
and perfect, whole and holy, peaceful and joyful, accepting and loving,
our minds experience the deepest acceptance there is! We know in our
minds that God accepts us, that we are actually perfect accepting love
ourselves, and that we accept ourselves! We are part of and also
experience the deepest love - and in it, the deepest peace, the deepest
wholeness, the deepest security, the deepest acceptance!
have always been in this, have always actually BEEN this at the core,
this Peace and Love that is God. We can't get out of Him and have never
been away from Him. He shows us this. We experience it. Plunged
beneath the surface by the swirls of life, we experience simply BEING
and it's His Being that we find we are experiencing and are part of! We
don't have to do anything to get to God, we just ARE part of Him.
Wow! We are simply being ourselves at all times, and lo and behold,
that is God's being Himself in us! We can never stop being ourselves,
can never stop being at all, and..that's God! HE is the heart of us,
our core, our deepest self, our very being! We are being God in this
human form at every moment! We have always been God in a body, that's
what humans are! Made in His image, branches on the vine of God..His
Spirit animating flesh matter as a human!
has always been our heart, and is the heart of ALL things, ALL history,
ALL existence, ALL life, ALL reality, ALL comes from Him, exists in
Him, and returns to Him.
Spirit returns to God who gave it! Everything rises and must
converge! All streams flow to the sea..and even more fundamentally, all
raindrops from the sky that are now in rivulets return to their source
as the water flowing into the sea evaporates into the clouds! We are
cloud people. We are sea people. We are part of Him like drops in the
ocean. The ripples always calm down to stillness. The sea is always
calm at the depths. Still and quiet and serene. That is who we are!
We are the stillness at the bottom of the sea, the cloud that floats
through the sky, the light that shines in the darkness no matter what!
by being, by doing nothing, just simply being, we discover that joy is
at the heart of all things, that everything is perfect, that we are
safe, that we are loved, that all is accepted, that we are whole, that
God is Love and is the deepest part of us!
is the eternal pillow upon which all human existence rests. It is the
everflowing stream within, an infinite and bottomless spring that never
dries up, the fountain from which we ourselves spring and also draw our
life from. It is the solid, strong, fundamental basic material we are
made of, the deepest part of us that makes us WHO we ARE.
is our center. God is our center. And all is well! It always has
been and always will be, and just by simply being, we experience the
peace at the heart of all things, the peace we are part of, the Peaceful
One who is our core, the Peace we are!
Peace to you all this Christmas, tidings of comfort and joy knowing that HE and His Love are at the heart of all things! Emmanuel, God with us, Love with and in us, the foundation stone upon which all of us are built..Christ Himself showing us in the ultimate way that Love is at the core, that we are accepted, that we are held, that we are whole, that we are secure...that 'God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel!'