C.S. Lewis certainly has a wonderful way of describing the joys of heaven..here are some of my thoughts after enjoying his descriptions of 'Aslan's Country' in The Last Battle:
The time bound self is just that, so time bound, just
rising and falling like a wave on the sea, the sea always still in the
depth, always the same no matter what momentary surface wave appears or
disappears in so short a time..we are so simply all of us part of God
the Timeless one (Eternal)!
The 'self' that thinks and
breathes and acts and feels here on earth is like a little
shadow/doppelganger of the Real Self that always IS underneath in the
infinite expanses of God/the Spiritual Realm! The temporal self is
about as solid as a mirror's image is compared to the real
scene..whatever we 'are' here is but a faint echo of the True Us
existing always outside of time in 'Aslan's country' - the Really Real
World where we are all enjoying unity with one another and with God
outside of time and space! Wow!
Time and space will
eventually all fold inward and find themselves freed outward into the
infinity of Love, of God, of the Really Real! And all that we had
'lost' in this world - whether friends, loved ones, homes, childhood
joys, innocence, happiness, or love - will be found to have always been
safely there at home; we will find ourselves to have always been there
safely at home, in His garden, on His lap, actually part of Him as ever
we were, are and shall be!
What is there to be really,
ultimately afraid of when that is our beginning, our present
upholding/foundation, and our ultimate guaranteed end (guaranteed
because there all time exists in the Now of eternity/God and thus the
end has already come and just IS)!