Our Daily Grace: A Safe Place

"If a man or woman were there under the wide waters, if he could see God as God is continually with man, he would be safe in soul and body - and would have more consolation and strength than all this world can tell."

Julian of Norwich

"For You have been a strong-place for those who could not help themselves and for those in need because of much trouble. You have been a safe place from the storm."

Isaiah 25:4

In the worst moments and darkest times, it can feel as if you are being torn apart, as if you are being tossed by great waves in a storm. But deep in the depths of it all, God is there. He is continually holding us up, taking care of us, and working to bring us to see that, to see from His perspective, to see that we are held in His peace. Though the wind and waves swirl about us on the surface, deep down in the depths of our soul it is quiet and calm.  We are continuously held there by God. If we could take one look into His face, we would know that everything is all right and we would relax, feeling so secure.  That is ultimate reality.  Not the storm and the waves, but the stillness and the peace and the presence of God. We are safe.

A thought: He is my safe place.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14