Radically Good

 It's radically good news to have such a radically good God!

"For the Lord is good and His love endures forever."

Psalm 100:5 (NIV)

The goodness and kindness of God is really mind-blowing and radical. We have a God who is our dear Father and we His beloved little children. This Papa God never gets angry, never judges, always loves and forgives, takes responsibility for and repairs our faults instead of blaming us for them, always embraces us, is never disappointed or embarrassed with us, gives without expecting anything in return, loves us at our worst, always sees the innocence He created in us! He is one with us, He hurts and dies with us, He wins over death for us, He lives in heaven with us. He always heals, always protects, always stays. He is ever gentle, humble, tender, sweet and vulnerable. He loves all, saves all, embraces all.  Heaven keeps breaking through on earth through Him and He keeps spreading goodness all around.. Darkness disappears in the light of His love, joy and peace. He will provide the ultimate happy ending for us all and all will be well forever!  

A Thought: Thank You for being so radically good, dear Papa!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14