Holy Rant: Joy

God's joy in us lasts forever.

Jesus said, "You will rejoice, and NO ONE will take away your joy."  (John 16:22)

Let's testify and have a holy rant about the Peace of God that we HAVE forever in Christ: "My joy in Him CAN'T be taken away!  I'm happy in Jesus forever, and that's untouchable.  No circumstance, problem or evil can ever touch my joy in Christ.  It is my permanent possession because it's HIS joy in me.  He looks on me and sees someone He's perfected forever, His dear child and the apply of His eye.  He's happy with what He made - me!  He's smiling at me RIGHT NOW and that is a joy to me!  My Jesus is delighted in me forever and He's sticking with me forever.  Nothing can break that up!  My emotions can go up and down and life can be crazy, but that's all only on the surface.  Under the surface in my spirit is a deep calm joy in HIM!" 

A Thought: His presence in me makes me full of joy!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14