No Conditions At All

What unconditional love means is that there are absolutely no conditions on His love for us. That means there is no condition at all that could ever stop His love from flowing to us.

"I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love."

Romans 8:38 (NLT)

Love says, "You are always with me, and I'm always with you - I'm sticking with you no matter how you treat me, no matter what you give or don't give in this relationship, I'm in for keeps and I'm holding onto you, supporting you, on your side no matter what!... And ALL that I have is yours, right now, no conditions, no questions asked..I lavish ALL of myself and ALL of my love, support, blessing, help, and care on you, whether you ever love back, whether you ever commit yourself wholly to me or not!"

His love has no is freely poured on us all, all the time, in every way, before we ever surrender and even if we never do have perfect surrender, trust, behavior, or commitment. Love gives because that's what Love does! Love is giving of oneself to the other, without any stipulation or expectation!

A Prayer: Praise You, Papa, you love us without asking a thing from us! That is a love I CAN trust, that is a love I CAN commit my whole being to, that is a love I CAN sink down into and rest in - forever!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14