"Christ said: If thou art pleased, then am I pleased;—as if He said: It is joy and satisfying enough to me, and I ask nought else of thee for my travail but that I might well please thee.
And in this He brought to mind the property of a glad giver. A glad giver taketh but little heed of the thing that he giveth, but all his desire and all his intent is to please him and solace him to whom he giveth it."
All He asks from all His work in the Passion is that it might satisfy us and please us. He is a 'glad giver' that gives without taking thought of the hardship He must go through in order to give to us. He doesn't think of Himself, only of us, the dearly beloveds He is giving Himself to and for. All He thinks of is us! His whole purpose and intent is to please, satisfy, solace and comfort us, His dear friends. He gave up His own life to literally make us happy. He doesn't ask a thing of us, and we don't owe Him a thing for all He did for us. He simply wants to know, are we pleased with His offering? Was it enough to prove to us that He will do anything for us, to put to rest all our doubts about His love for us? He gave up His life to get our freedom from sin and death. He paid the ultimate price, not to God but to us. He proved that He would love and forgive us, even if we did the worst thing - murder Him. And He proved that He cares enough to enter into human suffering and death and suffer it with us, in order to deliver us. Is that enough for us, does that satisfy and please us and assure us we really are loved and forgiven, embraced and delivered, friends of Christ and cherished children of God? Yes!
"Greater love has noone than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
John 15:13 (NIV)
A Prayer: You laid down Your life to show Your love to me - thank You, Jesus!