It's All About the Giver

I love this old worship song, "I Bow My Knee," here sung by Ron Kenoly.  It has a wonderful line in it that makes me think:  "I seek the Giver, not the gift.."  The main thing, the most important thing, is not any gift but the Giver Himself.  That makes me ponder...

Why is grace so wonderful?  Why is the God's unconditional acceptance of us as a free gift through Christ's work so great?  I think it is because it makes us free to be intimate with Our Wonderful grace we have been brought into the most amazing, close, wonderful, perfect relationship of pure love with God Himself!   The gift of God's grace brings us into union with the Giver!

Grace brings us into the very Presence of God where we are made one with Him, fused with His Spirit, to be Christ's Beloved Bride forever. He has many wonderful gifts He gives, but the best of all is the gift of Himself.  Grace has brought us into the arms of the Giver!  For with grace, the Giver IS the Real Gift!

                        With love,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14