Every single thing that God does in our lives is by grace. Salvation is by grace. It's a completely free gift of God that is given to us, and we simply receive this gift by faith. It's the same with every single thing He teaches us, every single way we are helped by Him, every single time He brings us through a crisis or gives us a new understanding or experience of Him and His love. Every single thing that happens in our Christian life is a gift of grace. We don't earn growth, knowledge, deliverance, healing, experiences with God, revelation, or change. Every one of those things is a grace gift. They're all wrapped up in the gift of Himself that He has freely given us. We only see that those things are ours and unwrap and enjoy them. And we can enjoy them forever, because a gift given for free, without our having to "earn" it, cannot ever be lost! Every gift He gives is ours for free and ours for ever...by grace.
I just learned this in a big way. Recently God brought me through a very difficult time. I still can't believe I came out of this difficulty. God gave me emotional healing from this difficult time as well as a fresh experience of His Spirit, and it was a complete grace gift. He did it. He is amazing and I give Him glory and honor and praise! Thank You, Lord, for Your wonderful grace in freely giving so much to us! You invite us to come and drink freely of Your water of life! Thank You so much for every gift You give, especially the gift of Your Life in us by Your Spirit!
With love to all,