Remind Me Who I Am (Jason Grey)

Wow, this is an amazing song..

I am susceptible to fall to the lie of believing in who I am not, believing the lie that I am a nobody, etc.  Then I end up feeling that I am "not enough" - not good enough, not strong enough, not lovable enough.  And I seek ways to "be enough" - futile ways that lead only to failure and dead ends and condemnation.

And yet..All along that whole process I have been FINE!  I have already been made "enough" by the perfect work of Jesus!  I am ALREADY accepted, complete, whole, holy, lovable and loved!  I am already enough and will be for all eternity, because Jesus' work made me so for all eternity! 

"For by one offering He perfected forever those who are sanctified."  Heb 10:14.  You can't get any more perfect than that!  You can't be any more "enough" - than that, any more accepted or loved or right with Him.  Thank You, Jesus!

It's time for me to stop worrying about being lacking or "not enough" and to just enjoy the wonderful gift of intimate fellowship with Christ, because that's what He's brought me into.  He says I'm enough.  He says to come away from the crazy lies and look into His eyes as He calls me "Beloved."  Beloved!  Think of that!

What a relief to know who we are..

If I'm His Beloved, that's truly "enough" - that's all I've ever really wanted, all I've been searching for - Someone to love me and accept me, embrace me and delight in me, Someone to love in a deep genuine, intimate, open, secure relationship!

He is more than enough to satisfy my deepest longings to be loved, and He says I'm more than enough - that I'm His perfect and beautiful Bride!  Beloved!

I am the one Jesus loves..I am Beloved!

You are the one Jesus loves..You are Beloved!

We are the ones Jesus loves..We are Beloved!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14