"How to Have Faith, Hope and Love" from "Come! Sit With Me" Blog

I read this post/poem recently on Ming Sing's blog,  "Come! Sit With Me (http://mingsing0221.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-have-faith-hope-and-love.html) and just loved it.  I wanted to share it here.  How can we have faith, hope and love rise within us?  We know that the Spirit is all those things in us, and we know that the new heart God has put within us as new creations has faith, hope and love, so how can we see those things naturally manifest or burst forth?  I love Ming Sing's ideas on this topic:

"How to have Faith, Hope and Love"

And we have such trust through Christ toward God." 2 Corinthians 3:4 

When Christ was born and lived among men, 
we started to have faith that God is a good God, 
a compassionate Father.....again.

When we see Christ hanging on the cross,
we start to realize HOW MUCH God was willing 
to give up His only beloved Son
in order to redeem us. 
We start to believe that God really had loved us......again.

God displayed His love for us the CLEAREST 
when He sent His Son, His only Son, 
The Son that He loves to die on the cross 
for the sins of every single one from Adam 
to the last baby born on the earth.
"But God demonstrates his own love 
for us in this: 
While we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

When we see Christ, 
we start to believe in Love again, 
because He is Love.

   "He is kind and patient,
   never jealous, boastful,
   proud, or rude.
   He isn't selfish
   or quick tempered.
   He doesn't keep a record
   of wrongs that others do.
   He rejoices in the truth,
   but not in evil.
    He is always supportive,
   loyal, hopeful,
   and trustworthy.
    Jesus never fails!"
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8a,CEV, paraphrase mine)

When we see Christ,
we start to have hope again,
we know, He will do it for us. 
And indeed, He had.
He had finished it perfectly once and for all
on the cross,
and its effect is valid until eternity! 
Truly our hope is not something wishful but 


Therefore, by seeing Christ,
we shall have faith, because He is our faith,
we shall have hope, because He is our hope,
we shall have love, which is the greatest of all
because Christ is God's Love 

Ming Sing

I really love the paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 that Ming Sing has, putting Christ in that passage and showing us that He, who is Perfect Love, is therefore all those wonderful things listed as qualities of love.  That is beautiful and that is certainly the wonderful Lord I'm coming to know more and more.  He is PURE, PERFECT, 100% unadulterated LOVE mixed with nothing else, marred by no other thing, ALWAYS, EVER and ONLY LOVE toward us!  What a relief!  We can trust this Lord because He is only going to be LOVE toward us all the days of our lives.  He is NEVER going to fail to be there for us in all His loving ways.  When we SEE HIM, we SEE LOVE and it makes faith, hope and love rise up from within our own spirits!  I love You, Jesus, and I love the revelation that You are LOVE!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14