Even When You Blow It..

To me, grace means that even when we blow it, we're still blessed!

Even when we ruin everything, we're still built up and supported!

Even when we run the other way from God, He comes with us and still helps us!

Even when we fall flat on our face, He still loves and uplifts and empowers us!

Grace is the best thing going, isn't it?

We don't have to be good to be loved.

We don't have to do everything right to be blessed.

We don't have to have perfect understanding to be helped.

We don't even have to have some perfect faith to be favored.

We don't have to be anything - we can rest in His arms, for because of Jesus, we are blessed, helped and favored for FREE!

Unmerited favor means that everything is freely given as a gift, without our having to do anything to earn or deserve it.  Grace means a gift that is free, with no strings attached.  God's love, acceptance, forgiveness, reconciliation, help, deliverance, blessings, favor and strength all come to us as a free and unmerited gift.

In the land of Grace (God's Kingdom), everything is free for the taking!  He has provided all for us in the Son and His finished work has secured for us this amazing inheritance!

The best part of the inheritance is Christ in us!  His Spirit dwells in us in close, intimate, perfect, everlasting union!  This is how it was always meant to be, the dream that was always in His heart.

Thank You, Lord, for being my Father, Lord, Savior, Helper, Best Friend, Confidante, Protector, Provider, Healer, Sustainer, Keeper, and True Love!  Thank You for Your Grace!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14