I received an electronic copy of the new book by Paul Ellis, The Gospel in Ten Words, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! I had been in a little bit of a slump, starting to focus on 'trying to improve' and seeing lots of things that needed changing in my life, trying to bring about change on my own effort and feeling frustrated, etc. (putting myself under law again without really noticing it, ugh!), and so when I began to read Paul Ellis' book, it was like a breath of fresh Holy Spirit air blowing through my soul as I read! I felt so uplifted and felt free again! Of course, I always had been free in Jesus, but I had forgotten that I was free from law and 'should' and had seen myself in the realm of lack and needing improvement, rather than in the Grace Land of completeness and wholeness, where I truly am as a new creation! Paul's book came at just the right time and brought me back to focusing on reality, and the reality of being a new creation - holy, loved, saved, forgiven, accepted, righteous and royal - well, it is the the so-good-to-be-true news for sure!
Paul breaks his deiscussion of the gospel of grace into 10 chapters that discuss ten aspects of this good news - that we are loved, forgiven, saved, in union, accepted, holy, righteous, that we've died, that we're new, and that we're royal. Wow, it gets me excited just to think about all these amazing things that Christ has done for us by His finished work!
I think the chapter that challenged me the most is the one titled "Royal" - in it Paul talks about the fact that we are royalty, sons and daughters of the king and thus reigning in the authority Christ gives. And we can spread that reign of Christ on earth by proclaiming authority over the works of the enemy, seeing people healed and delivered from demonic bondage. I don't have any experience with that, really, so this part of the book was an eye-opening challenge for me to read! I love thinking about having authority over the enemy and his evil works. I love the idea of God bringing that freedom from bondage to other people through me as I just trust Him.
One new and beautiful truth that impacted me is that we are already married to Christ! I had always thought we were engaged or promised to Christ, but Paul explains that we are already married to Christ and simply awaiting the wedding celebration/reception! To think that I am already married to Christ makes me know even more how secure my salvation is, how certain because I have already been wed to Christ! Christ would never, ever abandon His Bride! As Paul says in the book, "Jesus doesn't believe in divorce. In fact he hates it. You're stuck with him for good. What God has joined together, let no man separate." What a beautiful thing and what security we have in Him..
Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book (if you are able to buy it, I know you would love it!):
'The gospel is the joyful announcement that in Christ the old has gone and the new has come."
"His supernatural life is not something you achieve; it's something you receive."
"We are not defined by who we used to be but by who Jesus is."
"Your new heart beats with new passions and they are the passions of the Holy Spirit."
""He sees the real you, and from his timeless perspective you are faultless, blameless, and radiant with glory."
"You are no longer part of Adam's race. You are a son or daughter of the Everlasting Father. Christ is you life. You stand on His faith and are cloaked in His love."
"Can you imagine God the Father frowning at Jesus? Of course not. Then neither is he frowning at you."
"My Father is pleased with me. I don't have to prove a thing!"
"Jesus completes you. You were broken, but in him you are whole. You were in lack, but he who has Christ lacks no good thing. You life was a sinful mess, but he gave you beauty for ashes. Isn't that good news?"
"We are whole - God has given us everything we need in Jesus."
"He is looking at you full in the face and beaming with a galaxy-sized smile."
"In Christ you are inclined to walk straight and true. You have a Holy Spirit gyroscope that keeps you stabilized and on course."
"When the Son moved in you instantly became just as acceptable and pleasing to the Father as Jesus is."
"'He made us accepted.' His acceptance is not something you ever need strive for; you already have it. what relief! What freedom!"
"'Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' If you have called, then you are saved. Believe it. Rest in it."
"Your heavenly Father loves you like crazy."
"Look to the cross. Jesus loves you more than his own life."
Quotes from The Gospel in Ten Words, by Paul Ellis