The ONLY Thing That Ever Let Me See Victory Over Sin Struggles In My Life

The only way I have ever found ANY freedom from sinful struggles in my life was when God overwhelmed me with His love and acceptance (grace!) and I started just enjoying that love and forgot about "trying not to sin."  He drew me to from being sin-conscious to being Son-conscious.  With the revelation of His grace and  love for me, the desire for sin really melted away.  And I began to experience the freedom from sin that He purchased for me through the cross.  That is how it worked for me!

When I realized that even in the midst of my struggles, that God was looking on me with love and not condemning me, for there is no condemnation in Christ, it just changed my whole world. I had always imagined that His main thing was "Sparrow, stop sinning! Do better!" when really, His main thing turned out to be "Sparrow, stop trying! Rest in My arms! I love you!" When He showed me that, it melted my heart and I began to fall in love with God. And I fell out of love with sin! The devil can't stand to be around a believer who knows that they are loved by God no matter what they do, and even in the midst of their struggles, knows that they are the righteousness of God in Christ, totally accepted and holy in God's sight!

There is such power in that acceptance that He has for us. The more I have seen that truth, the more it has set me free from sin's hold. But the main thing I have noticed with God is not trying to get me to stop sinning, but to get me to just enjoy the relationship we have. He truly is in love with us! He delights in us and sings over us with joy! I have experienced His Spirit just delighting in me with joy, even after I'd sinned - it is amazing!

He is really showing me lately that the answer to all my issues and struggles is to look away from the struggles and straight into His eyes, and just enjoy worshipping Him and knowing Him for who He is, and that mind set on Him He keeps in perfect peace.  The more we set our minds on His love for us, the stronger we become!  (That is a loose quote from Bill Gillham, who wrote one of the first grace books I ever read, What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity..)

Dear Father, thank You that we don't have to 'try harder' to overcome sin, but can just REST in Jesus our overcomer, rest in His victory.  Pull our gaze away from the sin that seems to entangle us and fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.  It's all about You, Jesus!  You have finished a work to set us right with You, and now we can enjoy sitting at Your feet and listening to Your Words of Love to us.  Thank You for taking care of all we face as we just simply gaze at You and enjoy Your beauty.  You are everything to us!  One thing we seek, just to know You more deeply in our experience!  We worship and love You!  In Jesus' name, Amen..

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14