"We have peace with God through Jesus." (Rom. 5:1)
I read that the definition of peace is: to be set at one again...
We are at one with God, one heart with Him...
He is at rest in us and we are at rest in Him...
All is well in our world together...thank You, Lord!
He is at peace with you, so you can be at peace with yourself..
You can accept yourself and like yourself, because He really likes you..
He enjoys your presence and enjoys having you around...
He thinks you are fun to spend time with..
You can really talk with Him anytime without fear, embarrassment or shame..
You can tell Him anything without fear of rejection or judgment..
It really is safe to be vulnerable in His presence...
He really does understand you and know you and accept you as you are...
He truly celebrates you and delights in you for who you are!
He is the place where we can open up and truly be ourselves without fear of rejection, rebuke, or disappointment!
He is a safe place, a refuge for us, our shelter..
I like what Francois du Toit says about His love - that His love is a fortress where everyone feels protected, not exposed!
He isn't going to put us down, compare us to others, grade our performance, get angry with us, use or abuse us, manipulate us or hurt us!
He will hold our hearts so tenderly...
We are so safe and secure with Him!
What a wonderful fellowship we have, being in the bosom of the Father, just as Jesus is, having the intimate and peaceful love relationship with the Father that is just as Jesus has!