The Gospel isn't the bad news of what is wrong with us, it is the good news of what is right with us because of Jesus!
It isn't the bad news of a scary judge standing against us but the good
news of a loving Father standing with us against the enemy and his lies
and ruin..
It isn't the bad news that we must somehow placate God's anger and get Him to accept us, it is the good news that God is not angry but instead gentle and happy with us and has already accepted us just as He accepts His Son..
It isn't the bad news of what we must do to get on God's good side, it is the good news that God has always been on our side..
It isn't the bad news that we are far from God and must somehow work
our way up to Him, it is the good news that Jesus has picked us up and
carried us to heaven and put us in our Papa's lap..
It isn't the bad
news that we are lacking and messed up, it is the good news that we are
already complete and perfectly whole in Jesus..
The Gospel really
is good news...there is NO bad news in the good news! What a wonderful
God and what a wonderful gospel of pure grace!