Grace is Everywhere!

Grace is everywhere, it is the fabric of the universe, for this whole universe, all of it, every part, is made from God's own being, and He is the one pulsing in the very fiber of the creation itself! 

Truly we are made of God-matter, and HE Is all grace and love, wow!  That means we are made of LOVE, not indifferent matter, and this universe is built upon GRACE, not law!  This whole universe is held together by strands of love and grace ...knit together with compassion... its seams made of pure goodness, of God our Papa Himself! 

What a wonderful loving Hand is beneath us, holding us up and carrying us along at all times?  Who could escape Him or get away from this loving presence when it (HE!) is the very fabric that makes up our own world, our own cells, our own existence!  

I am so glad we can't get away from, can't be separated from such a LOVE, such a Father and Friend!  For He is Life, Love, the atmosphere we breathe and the energy that holds us up and buoys us along and carries us into the full experience of enjoying life, enjoying His presence, enjoying being held in His arms!  Everyone is already there in His arms, can't be anywhere else, for there is nowhere else to be!  HE is all and in all and all things are "from Him, and through Him, and TO Him!" 

What a safe universe it is when we realize HE is the unseen force behind it all and HIS is the heart that beats at its center!

Wonderful thoughts on oneness!

Here are some wonderful thoughts from a facebook friend, Adam Bignell, on how Jesus came to show us that separation between man and God is an illusion:
9:05pm Jan 7
"It seems to me that humanity has always preferred a mediator between them and God. It is also my opinion that it is fear that drives this. The Gospel that preaches separation and delay is stemmed in the need of a mediator. Humanity chose Moses to be the mouthpiece between them and God and it's still the desire of part of Christianity today. However it's interesting that God/Christ the incarnation became another mediator to remove the illusion of separation. Jesus dealt with the fear in the human heart by becoming human and revealing the true nature of the Triune God. Mediation and separation are the same thing. When we allow men, women and ministries to be our relationship with God we enter into the illusion of separation. The incarnations life, death and resurrection has firmly opened our eyes that were blind to see our incredible union that was and is and is to come."  
Adam Bignell, facebook post
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14