Our Daily Grace: Freedom from Rules

"I need do nothing for God: that is deliverance from law."

Watchman Nee

"Christ defines your faith.  He is your freedom from anything the law could never free you from!  Find your firm footing in this freedom.  Do not let religion trip you up again and harness you to a system of rules and obligations!

Galatians 5:1

Christ took us out from under the bondage of religious rules (law).  We are living in the new way of the Spirit, with the very life of Christ animating us from within and filling us with His love!  This is a love relationship, with no coercion, force, pressure, manipulation, guilting or shame.  If you never change or improve, you are still just as loved and just as ONE with Christ as you are right now! You owe God nothing - His love and grace and salvation are free, with no strings attached.  He asks nothing of you, demands nothing from you. You are truly free to just relax and BE in His arms!

A thought: God makes no demands on me.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14