Our Daily Grace: Infinite, Unfailing Love

"There is nothing you can do that would cause God to love you any more or any less than He does right now."

Steve McVey

"Oh love me - and right now! - hold me tight! Just the way You promised."

Psalm 119:76

He already loves us to the maximum, infinite amount, with His whole infinite being, and nothing can change that! When our foot is slipping, His unfailing love grabs onto us and pulls us up.  When we cry tears of hopelessness, His unfailing love holds us and gives us hope again.  When we feel so alone, He unfailing love stays with us as our Dearest Friend.  No matter what, He will be there for us. No matter what, He will love us.  There is nothing we can do to turn Him away and nothing that can happen to change His stance toward us.  He simply loves us.  And even if all others leave us, His love will never fail us, never give up on us, never let us go!

A thought: He cannot love me more; He cannot love me less.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14