Something More

He has been behind the scenes all our lives, drawing us to Himself and sending us love notes like flowers along a path, letting us know that our hearts are made for Him and He is the answer to our deepest longings.

"He satisfies the longing soul."

Psalm 107:9 (NKJV)

He is the 'something more' that always makes life worth living, the 'something more' that our hearts yearn for. He is the whisper of loving presence on the wind, the hand on the shoulder when noone is there, the music in the background that reminds us of someplace we belong to but have not seen in this world. He is the arms around us in the darkness, the light in our deepest night. He is the softness of a baby's eyelashes and the sweet sound of children's laughter. He is the beauty of love that gives connection and joy. He is the cozy spot by the fireside of home, the home we are all turning toward, the place where we finally come to and find we have always been in some way. He is the echo of life sounding through the whole world, the laughter of waterfalls and constant caressing of the waves upon the shore. He is the One who has always been there for us and always will be, the One who is unconditional in His loving embrace of us in every moment. He is the One who has been calling to us with every rising sun and every waking dream. He is the One we were made for, the One who satisfies our deepest hopes and desires. He is our origin and home, our Father and Friend, the One this whole created order exists in, the One we live and move and breathe in, the One who has held our whole life in every moment and will never let us go, our ultimate joy and happy ending, our Heaven!

A Thought: You have always been there, loving me.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14