Everything Adam did wrong, Christ did right, and in so doing, He reversed the effects of the fall.
"God recapitulated all things in Christ...as though making a compendious renewal and restoration of the whole creation to Him."
Theodore of Mopsuestia
"He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up [recapitulated] in Him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth."
Ephesians 1:10 (MESSAGE)
One way to look at Christ's work is through the idea of recapitulation. This is an early Christian idea that Christ came to put right all that humanity got wrong. So Christ came and went over every stage of our history, succeeding in every place where humanity failed. Where Adam gave in to temptation and fell, Christ withstood temptation and stayed firm. Where humanity succumbed to death, Christ conquered death and rose to indestructible life. It was like He reversed all the damage done by our sin and restored humanity and all creation to the pristine place it had been before the fall, uniting all of creation and summing up all our history in Himself. So it is like He made the curse work backwards into life and blessing! How powerful is the finished work! Christ does right everything that we failed at, and He brings us back to a place of complete innocence where it is like we have never sinned at all, a place of perfect oneness and communion with God.
A Thought: Thank You, Christ, for reversing all of humanity's mistakes and bringing us into Your Perfect Life and Perfect Oneness with the Father!