Jesus came to expel from our minds every destructive image that we have ever had of God.
"For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."
Luke 9:36 (KJV)
Jesus did not come to destroy people but to save them, because God is not a destructive God but a saving God. At times people have thought that God was destructive, but this was not a true picture or image of God. Christ came to give us a true picture of God in the flesh, visible, standing right before our eyes. And Jesus never destroyed a single person. Instead did the opposite of destroying - He saved people, meaning He restored, rescued, healed and made whole. He never made someone sick or crippled anyone. He never struck people down, blinded them, or caused calamity to happen to them. He didn't ever command the wind to storm and destroy villages; He never commanded the waves to drown people; He never sent fire to burn people. All Jesus ever did was loving, healing and constructive. He went about doing good (Acts 10:38)! He gave us a true picture of God as He healed the sick, made the lame walk, gave sight to the blind, fed the hungry, held the weak and vulnerable, loved the outcast, befriended the lonely, returned good for evil, and forgave anyone who hurt Him. Jesus showed us we never have to be afraid God will destroy or hurt us! The true picture of God is of a helper, a healer, a restorer, a lover. He is a safe God!
A Thought: Jesus came to heal me, to protect me, to help me and to save me from all that could destroy my life!