Our Origin

"Man began in God. You are the greatest idea that God has ever had!"

Francois du Toit

"...Adam, the son of God."

Luke 3:38 (NIV)

Who do we come from? We are the human race and say we are sons of Adam. But scripture tells us that we go back farther than that, for Adam was the son of God. We are from God! He is our source, origin, and ultimate father. We were created in Christ Jesus and partake of His nature. We are in the image and likeness of God and truly His children. Our origin isn't dust, or atoms, or stars, for it is truly divine, coming from the mind and being of God. So we can see that we truly belong to God and truly have a good nature of love, just like our heavenly Dad! We can know that we have dignity, worth, beauty and goodness, for we are children of the Most High God, we are royalty. We come from God, exist in God, and are always connected to God! We are thus connected with all Christ (God incarnate) did, and we are pulled along with Him through His death, resurrection and ascension. All that He has flows to us and all that He did applies to us. He is the true head of the human race, not really Adam at all. He defines us, so we are not defined ultimately by Adam's sin but by Christ's righteousness! We are not just earthly beings, we are also heavenly beings and heaven is our true home. Since we are all tied and connected to Him, Christ draws us all back to our home inevitably. What an origin we have in God, and what a destiny we have in God! We can truly celebrate that we are of God!

A Thought: My origin is in God.
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14