He Understands

I think for many years I have felt it was wrong or un-Christian to feel certain emotions.  I felt it was wrong to feel angry, that I should be calm always.  I felt it was wrong to feel depressed, that I should always be "up" and happy.  I felt it was wrong to feel confused, that I must always have everything figured out.  But I think that really there is no emotion that we are "not allowed" to feel.  Jesus understands us completely.  He knows what hurts us.  I think He wants us to feel completely at home with Him and able to share how we really feel.  We have His complete acceptance and He is a safe place for us to share our hurts.

Are we afraid?
    He understands.

Are we hurting?
    He understands.

Are we alone?
    He understands.

Are we struggling?
    He understands.

Are we depresssed?
    He understands.

Are we angry?
    He understands.

Are we despairing?
    He understands.

Are we anxious?
    He understands.

Are we frustrated?
    He understands.

Are we numb?
    He understands.

Are we confused?
    He understands.

And I think that not only does He understand, but He also completely accepts us with those feelings and even feels those things along with us.  He  is with us in every emotion, and there with Him is our place of safety to share our heart.  We will not be judged or ridiculed, we will not be rebuked or condemned for what we are feeling.  Instead, we will know His tender care and utter compassion in the midst of all that we feel.  We are allowed to feel.  We are free to be real.  He knows, understands, and feels what's in our human hearts because He has a human heart, too. 
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14