The Descending Escalator (Law) vs. The Ascending Escalator (Grace)

I loved this short video of Rob Rufus illustrating the difference between grace and law.   The quality on this clip is not that great, but the message sure is!  Just what I needed to hear today..

Here is a quote from the video:

"The kingdom of heaven is an ascending escalator. It's on a foundation of grace that the Holy Spirit moves, not on human performance or effort. And the amazing thing about this ascending escalator, even if you fail or make a mistake or, can I say, even sin, as you fall down on an ascending escalator, when you are down confessing your sin, when you get up, to your amazement the escalator hasn't stopped! It's still going, and you look around and you're still going up!"

The kingdom of heaven is an ascending escalator!  Even when we fail He is still bringing us up, up, up!  His Life trumps all our sin, self-effort, struggle and falling.  All those things are just shadows of the old creation, which is death.  But we've been placed into the new creation, which is Life.  And Life trumps death every time!  We are carried up and away by His LIFE!   We are sustained and uplifted by the power of an indestructible life, by the power of the resurrection life of Christ Himself put within us.  So up we go!  Grace is just such good news, isn't it?

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.                                   Rom. 8:2

May you enjoy the ride in Him today!

                      With love,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14