Thank You, Lord

Thank You, dear Lord, for just being You and for all You are to us!

Thank You, Lord, that You are for us!  Thank You that You are with us!

You always remind us who You are, and who You are is pure love and grace!

You are ever faithful and true to us!

Thank You that Your steadfast, unconditional, loyal love for us endures forever!  It never ends or grows weary of us, never runs out, never gives up on us or turns away from us!

It always hopes, always trusts, always believes, always endures!

Your love never fails!  It never fails us!  It will never fail us for all eternity!

The arms that hold us are everlasting arms that will never fail to be there for us, never fail to catch us when we fall and lift us up again, never fail to embrace us as we are, never fail to carry us through anything and everything, forevermore!

Thank You, Lord, for such love that caused You to reconcile us, save us, adopt us, re-birth us, accept us, uplift us, empower us, befriend us, walk with us, and just be with us for ever and always..

Thank You for Your presence with us, that You fellowship with us, sing over us with joy, and delight in the perfect, intimate union of our spirit with Yours for all eternity!

Thank You, Lord!  All praise to You forever!


Happy Thanksgiving to all, with love from Sparrow!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14