"I Adore You" by Jesus Culture

I love this song by Jesus Culture!

We adore You, Jesus!  We will sing it for all our days!

Thank You for being so loving and good to us!

Thank You for giving up Your all so we could be welcomed into Your arms!

Thank You for Your perfect, finished work that makes us right with God, accepted and acceptable, clean and beautiful, free and perfect and Yours forever!

Thank You for Your heart of love and grace!

Thank You for looking at me with tender eyes of love and understanding me as I am!

Thank You for never leaving or forsaking me, never giving up on me!

Thank You for always delighting in me and always having a word of hope for me!

Thank You for rescuing me from my depression and fear and for driving away the darkness I have felt!

Thank You, dear Jesus, I adore You!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14