Falling in Love with Grace All Over Again

I feel that lately, I am falling in love with Grace all over again, as it hits me in a new way, that beautiful old message that sounds so fresh and new...that I am accepted, that my life is accepted, that everyone is accepted, that ALL is accepted, unconditionally, eternally, radically accepted!

All is accepted, so I can accept myself and my life as they are right now, in this moment, without any requirement or pressure for change..

I feel like Papa is opening my eyes all over again to see that right now, everything is okay, I am okay, life is okay...everything really is perfect somehow...what a wonderful feeling it gives, don't you think?

And it allows me to actually enjoy this moment without feeling pressured to change.  To just BE!

I feel like I am also realizing my oneness with God in a deeper and more profound way, that we are truly ONE, that I am like a little bit of God in this human body, just feeling so whole and free and expansive knowing that the deepest truest self down deep in me, my real Self, is really one with and somehow part of God my Father - one!

It makes me feel so complete and whole and strong, so good about myself!  If I am really one with Him like that, then at the most fundamental level, I don't really have any problems, do I!?  I don't have any faith problems, love problems, issues to work on, or deficiencies..I don't have any insurmountable difficulties, overwhelming troubles or empty places..for I am one with infinite perfect Love, I am so whole!

And it makes me feel so good about other people..that they are all perfect expressions of God as well!  They don't need changing, fixing, or improving, they simply need to hear, as we all do, the wonderful message of grace - that all is accepted, loved, held, and carried by the One Lover who is the heart of all!  All is whole, complete, perfect and deep-down okay and all right in the One who makes everything all right!

Isn't grace wonderful?  I feel it takes my breath away again and again, like a fresh breeze on a steamy summer day..or a child's bright laughter..or the way the sunlight dances on the glowing leaves of autumn..Thank You Papa for being Grace through and through, a grace that holds us through it all, accepts us through it all, carries us through it all, so that we can know that at the deepest level, everything is alright, and nothing can change that!

Wonderful, magical Grace!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14