Love Never Fails


Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most

Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside

Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you

Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time

Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don’t

Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you

When my heart won’t make a sound
When I can’t turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this

Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life

Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you

                                                                Brandon Heath

When everything falls apart, Love holds us together.  Love, whose name is Jesus, will always be there for us, no matter what.  Love weeps with us when we weep and laughs with us when we rejoice.  Love holds our hand and walks through this life with us.  Love wishes only the best for us and would never harm us.  Love isn't interested in getting something out of us or using us - Love gives without expecting anything in return.  Love only wants to hold us in His arms forever and see us smile.

Love protects our heart.  Love builds us up when everything else conspires to tear us down.  Love always sees us as beautiful and perfect, no matter how we see ourselves.  Love doesn't see our failures but only our value and worth.  Love won't let us go.   Love will be the one carrying us through the darkest days.  For Love won't ever, ever leave us.  Love, whose name is Jesus, will never fail us.

I had a dream recently that I was holding the most beautiful little baby girl.  I knew in the dream this was my own dear child.  Her face was so beautiful, every feature so delicate and perfect.  She snuggled quietly in my arms with a hint of a smile on her lips.  What a beautiful dream!   The next morning at breakfast I "happened" to read these words:  "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you." (Is. 49:15)

I think God sees me and every one of His children as a little one in His arms.  He sees us innocent, pure, beautiful, without one single blemish, every feature so perfect and delicate and lovely.  He cherishes us and holds us in His arms, safe with Him forever.  You are His dear little child.  Love holds you.  Love says, "I will not forget you."  And Love won't ever let go of us.  Let's not grow up, let's grow down.  Let's see ourselves as His little innocent ones today, receiving from Him all  nourishment and care.  Let's see the world from that place where we truly are right now, cradled in His arms.  Let's rest and sleep like a baby, snuggled up close to His heart.  Because that's where we are today.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love."  (Jer. 31:3)

(I'm dedicating this post celebrating God's love to my two friends, Stan and Martha, who are celebrating their 38th wedding anniversary today.  Stan and Martha, His love shines through you so brightly and it will hold you both forever!  Congratulations on your big day!)
           Grace and love to all,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14