The Tale of the Poor Old Roof, Part 2

In the last post I told how we had found out, just after cancelling our old home insurance policy, that our roof had failed the inspection for our new insurance company, and that we were facing a difficult situation.  Now to continue the tale, picking up just after the second company gave us the bad news..

So now we were going to have to somehow get a new roof in 3 weeks or go elsewhere for a new insurance policy!

BUT, something else had happened that I need to mention - the very day that the second company told us we had failed inspection, that morning I had read in TWO of my devotionals the same verse, from Phil 4:6-7 about not being anxious but presenting your requests to God, and the peace of God guarding one's heart.  I thought that was neat that God gave me that verse twice, but I remember thinking I wasn't really worried about anything.  Then an hour later I found out the bad news about our roof and said, oh, Lord,  that was what You were preparing me for!  

So I knew I wasn't to worry about this, and I even told the insurance lady about the verse and all.  So after I got off the phone I felt strangely peaceful and went to walk outside a bit.  I remembered the verse said to present your requests to God, so I said, "We need a new roof - for free!"  Haha!  It seemed like the most outlandish prayer, yet somehow there was some faith inside me about this happening - !!  Which is really big for me..

Well, I did call the old insurance company and ask them to send out an adjustor.  I felt so sheepish and foolish, for it seemed like such a crazy idea.  Several days passed and I completely forget when the adjustor was coming.  

To be continued....
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14