This is a wonderful testimony of something that happened recently to my friend Julie and her husband..she wrote it out and graciously allowed me to share it here.  Someone in her church received a word from the Lord, and it was so beautiful what the message was!  It was so full of the love and grace of Jesus!  So I really wanted to share it here to bless and encourage everyone:

We praise God that God is working mightily in us and in those around us! We want to tell you a story that happened several weeks ago at church! After several songs during worship the music changed to just instrumental music with no words. During that short time people were just speaking out praises to God, like: Praise God! Hallelujah! We love You Jesus!

Our hands were raised and we were in worship. Then, starting out rather quiet and getting louder, a lady began speaking in tongues so everyone else got quiet so that we could hear what God had to say to us. Then she stopped. The instrumental music was still playing and I stood there praying and praying that God would give someone the interpretation. Thankfully they submitted and gave the interpretation. 

It went something like this: Oh draw to Me, draw to Me. I love you, I love you. I am all you will ever need. I LONG to be with you, come to Me, come to Me. I am your everything. I love you, I love you. I want to be with you. There's no need to look elsewhere. I am your answer. Just draw near to me. I love you, I love you.

Not long after this exciting moment we left church (a little different schedule that day). As soon as we walked out the door Steve turned to me and said, "Well, that was an interesting event." I said, "What do you mean?" He said that when the lady spoke in tongues HE received the interpretation! He KNEW EXACTLY what she was saying WHILE she was saying it!! We've never experienced this before. We did not know that Steve had this gift, but we receive it from the Lord! 

So listen to the Words the Lord spoke that I wrote above and draw near to Him. He LONGS to be with you and love on you! He IS your everything! Hallelujah!                      Julie Strozier
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14