Child of Love

 "..the sunshine of Love and Truth penetrates our self-hatred and we 'see' what He has always seen, a child of love, just like Him ... Colin Lagerwall

"We are in Him, invented and defined in Him."

Ephesians 1:11 (MWB)

Let's testify: "I am a child of love - that love is at my core, and is at the core of every person!! To be made in His image and likeness means to be made in His image and likeness of LOVE, for God IS Love, and since I am His child, His offspring, I can even say that I am Love, as well...And that I am just like Him - compatible with Him, fitting in with Him perfectly, having His characteristics taking after my Daddy in His character of love. He is proud to call me His own child, and He sees the family likeness in me. Yet He doesn't just love me because He sees His traits in me, He loves me for ME, for the unique individual He created.. I have always been that, He has always seen me that way, for He had me in His mind before time began and I existed in His heart and mind way back then, and He has held onto that true me and never let that go, that has always been His reference for who I am..."

A Thought: I have always been His child of love!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14