Innocent Children

We were created perfectly innocent, and innocence is our true nature.

"Your flawless innocence radiates.."

Philippians 2:15 (MWB)

Isn't it wonderful to know that we are truly innocent before Him, even in the midst of our 'hands in the cookie jar' moments, that our hearts are truly innocent and pure deep down, that there is NO shame, blame, guilting, condemning or punishment coming to us from our Daddy at all, ever!    He always sees and knows and relates to you just as you are - innocent, pure and sweet like a little tiny child!  Pure, untainted, unmarred, with only innocent thoughts and motives and intentions.  

He sees the deepest part of yourself and only sees His own image there!  We are made in the image of Love, Pure Love, vast and open and free, so how could we ever be anything else BUT that pure love?  We couldn't!  The source and wellspring of our very life is God, is a Pure Source, like sweet crystal clear water, a fountain of Perfect Love springing up from within giving us life, BEING our Life..and if the Source (God) is pure, the water springing from it (humanity) is pure

A Thought: I dance and play like an innocent child, made in the image of Love Himself!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14