In Him

"We are the Holy of Holies filled with the divine presence.....In all that we do, in all our relationships, we are bearers of the divine presence.

"There is not a more intense phrase to describe our union than "you in Me, and I in you."  Your body, mind and emotions are the home of deity through the presence of the Spirit.  Stop and let those words sink in; hold your skin and know the Spirit dwells in every cell of your body.

"A believer can never think of oneself apart from the Spirit of Christ living the life of Jesus within and through them....We can never think of ourselves apart from our being joined to Christ.

"He is in me, in you, in us, in all that we do and all that we experience.  In us He acts, feels our sorrows, and knows our joy....'For me to live is Christ' means that the experience I am going through at this moment, what I am doing, is being experienced by Jesus within me.

"Our lives are not something we tell Him about in our nightly report to Him in prayer, for He has lived them in us second by second.

"The whole point of the being with Him."

                                                                Malcolm Smith
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14