Son-conscious, Not Sin-conscious!

(I can get confused and start looking at self and seeing my failures sometimes, and that does nothing good at all.  Jesus is so good to bring my eyes back to Him and all He's done for me.  So here's a little talk with myself about that very thing:)

Let's forget about sin!  Let's forget about trying to avoid it, resist it, get rid of it, or stop it in our lives!  Jesus took it all to the cross, and all our sins, past, present and future have been done away with at the cross!  They have been taken away (John 1:29) by the Lamb of God.  They have been brought down to the grave along with our old sin-natured selves and they did not rise!  They are gone, erased, eradicated, and thrown away.  God has said He will never remember them again!  So let's forget about sin..He's brought us to life with Christ as brand new, sinless, perfect, righteous, blameless creations in Him with His very righteous nature and life as our own - now there's something to think about - Jesus the Son, our Life!

Let's enjoy Jesus Christ!  He has come into us, never to leave us!  He is not just our companion for the journey, not just someone nice to have around in a pinch - He is our very Life!  He is the very source and center of who we are.  He is our spiritual point of origin from which all flows in this spiritual life.  Our spirits are in union with His forever - forever!  We're alive in Him!  Alive with the uncreated life, alive with resurrection life, alive with the life that conquered death, Satan, sin and hell and REIGNS forevermore!  Alive with the Life that is Love in a Person.  That's the life that is our very center now - it's Him loving us forever and being love in us forever!  Talk about a wonderful relationship - we are in union with Someone who will always be on our side, who will always see the good in us, who will always accept us, who will always speak kindly to us.  Someone who will never leave, never reject us, never treat us coldly or harshly.  Someone who will do nothing but LOVE in and through us! 

We celebrate Life today - we celebrate the Son today and all He is and has done for us!

                With love from
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14