Soul Whisperer

Lying voice:  You are lacking.
God's whisper:  You are complete in Christ.

Lying voice:  You are dirty, sinful and wicked.
God's whisper:  You are 100% clean and righteous.

Lying voice:  Those evil thoughts and selfish feelings come from you.
God's whisper:  Those good and loving desires come from you.

Lying voice:  You've messed up too much to be used by God.
God's whisper:  You are a vessel of glory!

Lying voice:  Bad things will happen to you because you sinned.
God's whisper: No punishment is left for you; Jesus took it all!

Lying voice:  You're not good enough.
God's whisper:  You're perfect in Christ.

Lying voice:  You're not faithful enough to be blessed.
God's whisper:  You're already blessed with every spiritual blessing.

Lying voice:  You can't overcome your problems.
God's whisper:  You have already overcome.

Lying voice:  You're ugly to God.
God's whisper:  You're beautiful and flawless.

Lying voice:  You're just one of millions, unimportant to Him.
God's whisper:  You're special and highly favored.

Lying voice:  He's angry with you and rebukes you.
God's whisper: I have sworn never to be angry or rebuke you.

Lying voice:  He could be harsh.
God's whisper:  A bruised reed I will not break.

Lying voice:  He's pointing out your sins, bringing them up.
God's whisper:  Your sins I will remember NO MORE!

Lying voice:  You must do better, try harder, work to measure up.
God's whisper:  Jesus did His best for you, you stand in that.

Lying voice:  You're condemned.
God's whisper:  You're accepted in the Beloved.

Lying voice:  You're a failure.
God's whisper:  You're perfected forever.

Lying voice:  You're always a loser.
God's whisper:  You're more than a conqueror, always led in triumph!

He is so good to whisper truth into our spiritual ears!  His truth sets us free from the influence of lies.  No matter what we hear from our own feelings, other people, or the enemy, it's His word that whispers of true reality. 

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14