God With Us

Emmanuel means "God with us" -

God with us in our sorrow..

God with us in our pain..

God with us in our troubles..

God with us in our doubt..

God with us in our hurting..

God with us in our despair..

God with us in our loneliness..

God with us in our everything!

God with us - we never have to go through anything ALONE again!

I used to always feel like I was going through all my troubles alone.  I felt so vulnerable.  I felt like I could get squashed by some crisis at any moment.  I felt I was in a boxing ring without any gloves, a puny little runt standing there facing a giant.

But God renewed my mind with His wonderful Spirit.  He showed me that I am not alone!  I am not vulnerable!  I am not alone in that ring!  Someone has entered the ring to fight for me on my side!  Someone is there, a Strong Advocate to defend me against the giants that come against me!  I have learned that the word for the Spirit in John 14, Paraclete, means advocate, or one who comes by our side to take our part.  He comes to take our part and fight for us!  To uphold our end and be our strength for us!  This makes me feel so safe, secure, and loved -  not helpless anymore or vulnerable.  It makes me feel like laughing at the enemy!  I haven't ever felt this before, really! 

There is Someone in the ring with us!  God with us - Emmanuel!  He is abiding with us forever by His Spirit!  He is not even just beside us, He is IN us!  He is living THROUGH us!  And He has promised never to leave us, never to forsake us!  (Heb. 13:5b)

There is Someone with us, to fight for us, to stand up for us, to defend us, to comfort us, to cry with us, to give us hope, to lift our burdens and carry them for us, to keep us when we can't keep ourselves, to bring us through, to be what we could never be in and through us. 

He is God with us!

God with us in our laughter..

God with us in our joy..

God with us in our rejoicing..

God with us in our hopes..

God with us in our dreams..

God with us in our anticipation..

God with us in our celebrations..

God with us every day of our lives!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14