White Christmas

Today I experienced the first white Christmas of my little life!  It was magical to watch the flakes fall down and see the grass and trees become covered with the beautiful snow!  And it was a sacred silence that fell with the falling snow, as God touched the world with His beauty in this unexpected way!  (Unexpected for us down here in the deep South, at least, where some places haven't seen a white Christmas in almost 50 years..)

This has been a year of healing and renewal for me spiritually, and a beautiful white Christmas just sums up a special year with Him. Have you ever received such an unexpected and wonderful gift that it seemed too good to be true, that it just blew you away?  That is the way I felt a few months ago when God pulled me out of the emotional hole I'd ended up in through various circumstances.  When He brought me out of that dark cave, when it literally disappeared before my eyes as He renewed me with His very presence and the darkness, fear and sorrow disappeared...when that happened, it felt about as magical and miraculous as this white Christmas we've had here in the deep South.  And just like the snow brings a stillness, He stilled my frenzied thoughts with His presence and brought me to peace and rest.  It truly was a miracle.

That's just His sort of thing, isn't it?  He can do anything!  Anything!  As He says, "Nothing is too hard for Me.."  He loves to manifest in us the victory Christ has already won for us over the darkness.  He loves to burst into our hurt places with His love and care.  He loves to blanket us with His peaceful presence, like a quiet blanket of snow.

Thank You, Lord, for the joy of seeing a white Christmas.  And thank You that You love to say "I love you" to us in so many wonderful and unexpected ways!  

                          With love from
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14