A lying voice often tries to confuse me, but Christ, the Truth, reassures me..
Lying voice: You're worthless.
Christ: You're worth so much I laid down my life to get you back to me.
Lying voice: You'll never change.
Christ: I have already changed you; you are righteous in My sight.
Lying voice: Something terrible is going to happen to you, so be afraid.
Christ: I am WITH YOU, and I am ALL-mighty and can handle anything!
Lying voice: You are all alone.
Christ: I will NEVER leave you or forsake you.
Lying voice: How could you think such awful thoughts?
Christ: Awful thoughts are foreign and not your own.
Lying voice: You're a big failure; God is disappointed with you.
Christ: God says you're His beloved child in whom He is WELL-pleased.
Lying voice: You've got sin in your life so He won't hear your prayer.
Christ: God hears every prayer of the righteous, and you're righteous!
Lying voice: You must try harder if you ever hope God will accept you.
Christ: You are fully accepted by God RIGHT NOW because of My work.
Lying voice: Since you just blew it, how can you say you're righteous?
Christ: You are righteous by My performance, not your own!
Lying voice: You must keep yourself close to God.
Christ: I'm in you and you're in me, and that's forever!
Lying voice: Noone really cares about you or wants you around.
Christ: You are precious to me! I sing over you with delight!
Lying voice: You will never get free of your problems.
Christ: I am here, and where I am is freedom!
Lying voice: You can't handle this trouble. You're going to sink.
Christ: I will handle this for you. We're going to walk on the waves!