What a wonderful thought by Rob Rufus on what the Holy Spirit is telling us:
"The Holy Spirit isn't telling you that you are a sinner - He is telling you that your sins are gone and that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
"The Holy Spirit testifies...that your sins are forgiven! That you are perfect forever and that God doesn't remember your sins anymore.
"Give your testimony: 'I am the righteousness of God.'"
Rob Rufus
Wow! How awesome to be able to stand and say, "I am righteous! I am the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus! I am not evil but righteous! I am not a slimy wormy sinner but a clean and pure saint! I am glowing with the glow of Christ and my heart has been cleansed and is now good and pure, for I am righteous and have Christ's very own divine nature in me as my very nature!
I read recently that righteous means without sin, sinless - SINLESS! That is what we are because of Jesus! God has MADE us the righteousness of Christ in Him! At our rebirth, we were recreated and remade that way, and we will be righteous before Him forever! Righteous before we do anything right today! Righteous even if we blow it today! Righteous once for all, righteous forever, right with Him, pleasing, in right standing before Him, accepted and acceptable! We please His heart! We make Him smile, sing and shout over us with love-shouts of joy! Wow!
Thank You, O dear Father God, for Your marvelous grace shown to us through Christ! Thank You, Jesus, for being MADE sin for us, so that we could be MADE righteous with Your righteousness! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for telling us it is SO, especially when the devil attacks us with lies and tries to make us ashamed. Thank you that whoever believes on You, Lord, will never ever be put to shame! You lift our heads high to look at Your face and see the love and acceptance in Your eyes! And You lift us up to look in triumph on the enemy! We are living in the freedom and joy of GRACE! Living in Your perfect right standing before the Father! Thank You, God! I felt like a failure today over something I felt I'd done wrong, and You reminded me of all this wonderful truth that we are forever RIGHT with You through Jesus! Thank You! Amen...