Here is a great quote from Rob Rufus that I read recently. It is so uplifting to think of this wonderful gift of righteousness God has given us and what that really means for us!!
"What does the gift of righteousness mean? It means 'right standing with God!' The gift of righteousness gives you permanent, unconditional, irreversible, from first to last right standing with God. Now what does right standing with God mean? It means that there is nothing between you and the Father.
"Right standing - nothing separating us! Does the Father have any problems with the Son? Is there any conflict between the Father and the Son? Does the Father pint out the Son's faults? No! You are in Christ and through what happened on the cross you are actually ONE with the Father! So actually friends - every second of every moment of every day you are actually as close to the Father as Jesus is!"
Rob Rufus