God Our Clothing

 "He is our clothing that for love wrappeth us, claspeth us, and all encloseth us for tender love, that He may never leave us."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 5)

It is such a beautiful image of love to think of God wrapping Himself around us like clothing. We are clothed with God, in tenderness and love.  He is always enclosing us, sheltering us, protecting us, holding us, embracing us. He will never leave us. We are always wrapped and held in the love and goodness of God, the very presence of God!

"God encircles His people - always has and always will."

Psalm 125:2 (MSG)

Good and Comfortable

"He is everything that is good and comfortable for us."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 5)

He is everything that is good. Every thing He does relating to us, every way He is with us is good and kind. And He is a comfortable God. He makes us feel comfortable, not nervous or awkward or insecure. He fits us perfectly. He puts us at ease. He makes us feel everything is just perfect, just as it should be. Everything good and comfortable that comes to us in this life is a picture Him, a gift from this good and comfortable God. We can relax and sink into this wonderful God who is always good to us and always comforting to us. He is like a big soft easy chair we can curl up in and fall asleep on a warm summer afternoon, feeling so cozy and fine!

"I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Matt. 11:30 (MSG)

Filled with Joy

"Suddenly the Trinity fulfilled my heart most of joy. And so I understood it shall be in heaven without end to all that shall come there."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 4)

All He has for us is joy. He wants us to be filled with joy, and not just any joy, but the joy of the Trinity, the joy of their communion and of their being. We will be full of God's joy for ever and ever in heaven without end! And that sheer happiness and elation begins now in our hearts, for the fruit of the Spirit within us is joy. It's a joy that can't be extinguished or taken from us by anyone or anything. It's God's joy in us, and it's God's joy over us! The main experience one has in the presence of God is bliss...Just to be in His presence is fullness of joy. That is what we have now and forevermore - the enjoyment of the happiness of God!

"In Your presence is fullness of joy."

Psalm 16:11 (KJV)

He Became a Mortal Man

"Our Lord Jesus..for love would be a mortal man."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 3)

He didn't have to take on flesh and blood and become a mortal man, but He chose to. He became on of us to enter into our situation, feel what we feel, go through what we go through, and deliver us from all that hurt us, helping us from the inside out. He could have chosen another way, but He chose to bear our pain and suffer with us in order to bring us healing and relief. It was all for love. That's why He did it. It was all for love!

"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

John 1:14 (ESV)

All Love

"God is All Love."

Julian of Norwich, Revelation of Divine Love (Ch. 1)

I believed for so long that God is love but also other things, like wrath and judgment. It has been such a relief to find out that He is ALL love. Nothing else. Just love. He isn't a God of two faces, like love and anger... or love and rejection...or love and hatred. A two-faced love isn't real, pure love at all. Truly, He is a God of one face - perfect, beautiful, pure. lovely love with no hint of anger, judgment, or rejection. This is a God we can feel safe with, knowing He will never be anything but LOVE in us and towards us. This is a God we can sink down into and rest in, knowing we are enveloped and embraced by the perfect acceptance and care of the One who is All Love!

"God is love."

1 John 4:8 (ESV)

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14